
Monday, May 26, 2014

High 5 Friday!

We have reached the end of this week! Scary thing is, next week is the end of the month. ALREADY?! Time is going by toooo quick. 

Today is my first High 5 Friday, where I will talk about 5 products, places, things to do, recipes, or anything that are awesome. Hope you enjoy it!

High 5 Friday!

1. Alkaline Water

How many of you have heard about Alkaline water? This kind of water has a pH that is basic and can be able to help bring your body's acidity down. There has been studies going on, but further is needed however, that have said that since the pH is higher there may be many benefits from consuming alkaline water. "...Proponents say that it can neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your metabolism, and help your body absorb nutrients more easily." (source

The alkaline water I consume on a daily basis is known as Essentia. The thing I really enjoyed about purchasing and consuming this water is that I can trust their process. It is a 3 step process that includes purification and reverse osmosis (yay for no fluoride!), adds electrolytes, and ionizes the water making it from acidic to alkaline! Try it out for yourself and share your experience!

2. Hemp Oil

I recently purchased hemp oil to add into my smoothies and I was let down! It contains 75% to 80% of polyunsaturated fats (the good fats) and has a perfectly balanced ratio of 3:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3. Hemp oil DOES NOT make you high. It is a really simple and easy to use oil that can be incorporated in your daily life.

3. March Against Monsanto

Monsanto, the evil empire who wants to has taken control of most of our food consumption. As many of you know, we choose to purchase Organic and Non- GMO (non genetically modified organism) foods. Genetically modified foods are a result of Monsanto's "efficient way" to produce more food at a lower cost. However it is not as helpful as it seems. I will talk more about Monsanto and GMO's later on.

Have No FEAR! Together as parents, coworkers, neighbors, and the general public have the chance to have our voice heard Saturday, May 24, worldwide. Protestors will unite and walk down streets holding signs, chanting for those who have no idea what lurks in the food industry. Join the cause now!!!!

4. Steal of the Week

Yesterday I got lucky and bought some rubbermaid containers at HALF OFF! I bought a set of 30 pieces, 15 containers with lids, for $6.98!! That is a steal! The awesome thing about them is they are a pretty teal color and the lids snap to underneath the container so you won't lose them. Get rid of that clutter!!!

5. My 5k Training

I am starting my 5k Training for the 5k Foam Fest in September! I am so excited and lucky to have a chance and participate for Sweat Pink and blog about the experience! More updates coming soon!


  1. You commented and have been nominated for a Liebster Award. However, I just saw you posted about one! Please let me know if you want me to nominate someone else. Thanks!

  2. I've been a little behind the past few days but I wanted to stop by and say thanks so much for joining in on the blog hop/link up last week! I'll be posting another one this Friday as well, hope you can join in! Have a great rest of the week!!!
