1. The combination of intensity and your fitness.
2. Being fit, yet awesome.
(source: me)
Hi everyone! My name is Ilsay, and I am the face behind fitensity.
To me, fitensity is the idea of completing your workouts with a smile on your face and knowing that you finished strong. Wether it was running 1 mile to 10 miles, all of us are on our strive to being fit. I believe wellness starts within as well. I am here to write and help reclaim the idea of fitness.
The Turning Point:
I have always been athletic since a young age. I’ve played a variety of sports including volleyball, basketball, soccer, and others for fun. However, I have not always been the idea of “fit”. I’ve always had the stubborn belly fat and my frame is not that of a “skinny” person. I stand a 5 feet and 8 inches. In high school, I weighed 180 something and I never realized how I looked, until my mom gave me hints and a blown up varsity volleyball poster picture told me otherwise. I lost 30 pounds the beginning of my junior year in high school and it was a semi confidence boost.
The hard part was the spring semester of my junior year when i found out my mom had stage 4 breast cancer. Between radiation, chemotherapy, and all the medications she was taking. I saw her health detoriate from healthy to that of a common cancer patient.
From that point I started looking for cases and why cancer happens. I found out of body ph, the benefits of eating well and healthy, and working out.
Why Blog?
This blog is for girls (and guys) who want their absolute best health and aren’t going to settle for less. I want to help you reach your ideal health and wellness. Let’s talk about our body’s need and desires to be a lean mean and green eating machine!

I’m currently 19 years young and I reside in Texas. I love the color blue, well any shade from dark to light, and I enjoy biking throughout the trails. I was enrolled at a univeristy but I took a semester off and I am planning on going back but school is expensive! I currently am in a long term realtionship with my boyfriend of 2 years, his name? Jason Moller, and I love him more than anything…well except for our dog, Pup. We own a pomeranian who is more wired than a 4 year old on candy. He’s our fur baby! Well enough about me, check out my blog!

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