
Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday ! :)

It's Monday, again!! And all I have to say is Yay! :)

Monday means a whole new start, a brand new week to accomplish a whole new set of goals!
A new week is promising, it enables you to succeed and become the best you are.

July 7th, 2014.

Well today marks 1 month until I turn 20! This means it will be my last month of being a teenager! :o 
How exciting yet terrifying at the same moment. 

To start of my week, I am still walking like a baby horse from Saturday's Leg Day. And all I have to say is...that KILLED my legs. 

I couldn't attend my 9 am cycling class since I don't want to slow down the healing of my muscles, but I did do yoga at home.  So here's to healing my leg muscles so tomorrow I can continue on!!

7/7-7/13 Goals

So here's the challenging part. What are my goals and habits going to be this week?
It's always best to take your routine wether it be health, fitness, or anything that feels like it is going to be a looong run a day at a time. 

This week's goal:
  1. Eat minimum of 1 salad a day, and by salad I mean mixed greens, kale, baby carrots, red onions, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and a natural homemade salad dressing. No sugary crap allowed.
Not too bad right? Eat my salad at lunch time or even at dinner. Maybe I can make it twice a day! But remember little by little is how you succeed in your goals. An empire wasn't built overnight!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Leg Day! 7/5

Difficulty sitting on the toilet?  
Dread even the sight of stairs? 
Difficulty getting out of bed? 
Difficulty walking?               
Diagnosis: LEG DAY

Hey, guess what....IT'S LEG DAY!

I love leg day! It's one of the best workout you know you did good the day after. When you're walking like a zombie or baby horse, that's when you know it worked!!

Here's my workout for the day!! 

  • 10 mins Stair Master
    I start at level 5 taking regular steps for 40 secs, then continue on level 5 taking two steps at a time and kicking out my foot and squeezing the glutes. It burns!! Then after those 40 secs are up, take it up a level and continue doing the same thing all the way to level 10, and then work your way back down.  
  • 2 sets of 10 reps, 14lb medicine ball wall throws with a squat
    With your knees slightly bent, push up and toss the ball high against the wall, catch it and come back down into a squat. Repeat. Both your arms and legs will get tired!!
  • 2 sets of 10 reps, 10lb medicine ball wall throws with a squat
    Repeat the workout from above.
  • Rest for 5 mins
  • 1 min Runner's Lunge, alt 30 secs.
  • 1 min body weighted squats
  • 1 min jump squats
  • Rest 1 min
  • 1 min bridges
  • 1 min jumping Plie squats

Halfway done!! Don't give up!!!!

  • 30 sec Bulgarian squat, left
  • Rest 1 min
  • 30 sec Bulgarian squat, right
  • 45 sec wall sits
  • 1 min bridges with large medicine ball
  • 1 min donkey kicks
If you're brave enough, and aren't tired yet, you can run the set starting from runner's lunge again. But for the day after, be ready to not be able to walk. 

Lemon Water!

When you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you do?

A. Hop into the shower.
B. Wake up your kids
C. Walk your dog.
D. Drink a glass of water/tea.

Well I'm letting you know today that making a glass of warm lemon water when you wake up is one of the most easiest health habits you can do. 

Ew, but aren't lemons sour?

Lemons are one of nature's greatest fruit given to us. A glass of lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. So that is much less than those Crystal Light packages that do us more harm than good, or even a pop in the morning. 

Why lemons you ask?

Lemons are a high source of Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and pectin fiber. Lemon helps maintain your immune system, therefore helping you whenever those icky colds and nasty infections come around. Plus, the warm lemon water works wonders for people with heart problems, owing it's high levels of potassium. So keep on reading to find out more of the powerful warm lemon water!

How to Prepare Warm Lemon Water.


  • 1 small lemon, or 1/2 large lemon
  • 12 oz of purified water (preferably reverse osmosis, alkaline, or distilled)
  • kettle, or anything that can make your water hot
  • a glass
  1. Upon waking up, head over to the kitchen and get all your ingredients out and ready.
  2. Pour in about 8 oz of water, little less or more, into the kettle and turn it onto high.
  3. In your glass, pour in the remaining water and squeeze in the lemon juice. (The reason you have water with lemon separately first is so the enzymes will be protected from the hot water)
  4. When the water begins to boil, pour it into the glass
  5. DONE! Now enjoy your warm lemon water!!

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

  • It helps balance pH levels in the body. 
  • Having warm lemon water early flushes out the body of toxins.
  • It aids digestion and promotes the production of bile.
  • It helps reduce pain and inflammation in the knees and joints as it dissolves uric acid. 
  • It helps cure the common cold.
  • It helps maintain the health of eyes, and helps fight against eye problems.
  • It can help relieve indigestion and gas build up.
  • Lemon juice helps replenish salts after a strenuous workout. 
  • It helps purify the blood.
  • Lemon water helps your skin tremendously and prevents formation of wrinkles and acne. 
  • There are many, many more benefits of lemon water! Just take some time to read upon more. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy July 4th!

Good Morning and Happy Friday Readers!
And let's not forget to celebrate America's day either!

What are your plans for today?
Barbecue, 5k or marathon runs, or spending the day with the family?

Me? I'm spending the day doing absolutely nothing! Haha, my boyfriend works, my roommate works, but I might decide on going to the dog park in the afternoon.

Do any of you own dogs?

Fourth of July and other holidays where fireworks often go off, many dogs suffer from fear and anxiety. Trust me, I know mine does. It's a time where many pets often get lost since they run away or escape from fenced backyards.

My advice? Bring him inside and create a comfort zone for your dog. Many dogs like the feeling of a "cave". Such as a small crate with a blanket over it creating a area where it feels secure. Also, it is best to microchip your dog in the event of him/her getting lost. 
Dogs and other pets are important members to the family, and it is our job to make sure they stay calm during a moment of stress.  Here is a link by ABC on keeping your pets safe. 

I love fridays!!! It's a great way to recap my week and allow myself to make adjustment and better myself for the next week! :)


Cycling Class 9:15-10:15 with Christina!
It went good, I was tired from my routine being messed up from going out of town. Oh well.


Rest Day!!
But I did work out on our #ZestyJuly Challenge hosted by myself and other sweatpink sisters!


-Cycling Class 9:15-10:30 with Teresa!
It was awesome I really pushed myself.
-Yoga 6:00-7:00 with Ken
It had been a while since I've gone to yoga but I did not regret attending this class.
-Cycling Class AGAIN! 7:00-8:00 with 
I was at point of exhaustion, but I pushed through and finished!!
-Day 2 of #ZestyJuly


Rest Day, but I uploaded one of my favorite quotes for instagram on the #ZestyJuly challenge. 


I'm probably going to do some strength training later on today!

Well That's the run down!! Until the next post everyone!!!
Have a happy AND safe 4th!!!!

Ilsay x

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

1st Phorm Athlete Search!

How many of you would love an extra $10,000 just for being an athlete and helping to motivate others?
Well, I have some great news for you...
A fitness and supplementation company called 1st Phorm, is having a search for 5 new athletes who can represent the 1st Phorm way of life!

The idea behind this athlete search is to find actual and real people who aren't selfish and love fitness. Influencing other's to better themselves and their lifestyle is a prime example of an athlete who can prove themselves as a 1st Phorm participant.

So head over there yourself by clicking on the image above and filling out the form yourself!!! Good luck!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cricket, Cricket...

Fitfam!! I am so so sooo sorry I haven't been posting within the last month! I started summer classes and of course writing is an everyday thing for that class since it's an English class, but I will begin posting daily! :) 

How have you all been? Any accomplishments? I've been pretty great. Working 3 times a week, hitting the gym 5 times a week. Getting into a little routine and trying to get my life together and on track. 

Well back to the blogging grind! 

[Written July 2, 2014]

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Zip || Fit || Firm!

Female fitness is about to change!

Who doesn't love the endorphins after a great workout or run? I know I do. But what's even better is supplementing your body with the protein and essential nutrients needed. 

Luckily, the wait is now over!

How many of you have heard of Femme Nutrition?
Or even heard of Peach?
(review coming soon)

I received an email from my sponsors, Femme Nutrition, about the release of 3 new products!

Introducing: Zip, Fit, and Firm!
The new Pre-Workout, BCAA Complex, and Carnitine Blend!

I loooovee Femme's products and I am more than excited to receive this stack and try them out!! :)
Don't be afraid to check them out! :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I just binged!!

How many of us have given into the package of cookies staring at us from our pantries? How many of us have had too many scoops of ice cream?

Truth is, we all have! :)

So now what?

Okay you binged. It's been done! Don't cry. PLEASE don't purge! (if you feel like doing this, I am a message away!) Just look past what you have done, and drink yourself a glass of water.

Continue your day how you usually do! If you go to the gym later that day, go and motivate yourself to move forward! Burn that cookie off! Then after you have made your gains and you feel PROUD of yourself, go home and make your protein shake and enjoy it!

Binging is not a death sentence. You are not going to gain 2 pounds from eating whatever you ate. 

Feel a binge coming?
Here's a small list on things to help you!

  1. Drink a warm cup of tea.
  2. Go for a walk.
  3. Look up some funny youtube videos and have a laugh.
  4. Call your best friend, your mom, your sister, or anyone you can talk too!
  5. Draw, color, or paint.
  6. Read a book.
  7. Clean!
  8. Take a relaxing bath.
  9. Do some yoga!
  10. Meditate.
  11. Pick flowers.
  12. Talk to me!

Never ever give up! You are far more worth it! Your health and happiness are far more important! :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Move It Monday! :)

Happy Monday Everyone!! :)

Don't you just LOVE Mondays?!

Well I do, but only because it brings us back to Move It Monday!
And who doesn't love that extra push of motivation and small workout to get our week started??

This Monday I'm going to incorporate Move It Monday's motivation and workout! Yay!!

Here's your dose of Monday motivation...

What do you work out for?

I work out for myself. Because I love my body as much as I love my health! Plus, the endorphins released are amazing!! The feeling after a workout is like no other!!!

Comment below on what motivates you to work out! Wether it 's your kids, your husband/wife, or even to eat your favorite donut!

This week's workout:

I used a workout similar to last weeks, Move It Monday, to help build your endurance a bit and give you something that you know how to do! Enjoy!

Share your results on this small Strength workout and on what motivates you to workout in the comments below! :)

-ilsay x

Friday, May 30, 2014

High Five Friday!!

Hey everyone!!! Friday once again! And this week went by super quick!! :( however, I was only scheduled two days for work, and I had two games this week. Now we get to recap what I loved about this week!!!!

1. I attended a March Against Monsanto event this past Saturday in San Antonio, Tx. It was awesome! I got to lead the second march that started at 3, we came out on our local news station (even if it was for a few seconds), and I got to spend time volunteering and helping out do face painting, plating organic seeds, and signing people up for future events. I am looking forward to spend more time with my fellow marchers!! Also, keep an eye out for a post about the March soon!!


2. It's crazy how our body and skin tells us how we're sick on the inside. This past week I had serious breakout problems on my face, and it's something I hardly encounter! I did a little bit of research and I found out that when you break out on certain areas of your face, it can be because something's not right. My problem areas were: above my eyebrows, my cheeks, underneath my lips, a few on my forehead, and on my neck. Turns out they were stomach problems due to allergic reaction in my stomach (I'm allergic to chocolate, lactose, wheat), respiratory problems, and a bit more of digestive problems. I have to admit, I did sneak in some unhealthy snacks. Yet my body took that in the wrong way!!! It's crazy!!!

3. Did you guy's read my Move It Monday post? It got a lot of attention by readers, twitter followers, and even the Move It Monday organization themselves!! So expect more Monday workouts and motivations to follow!!!

May 26, 2014 Move It Monday! :)

4. 1st Phorm Nutrition and Supplements is having a huge contest looking for their next athletes!!! They are going to choose 5 winners who can prove they live by the 1st Phorm Way of Life and give them $10,000!!! Can you imagine what you can do with $10 grand!

more like buy all the supplements!! lol

Well anyways, I entered the contest and I wanted to share it with my fellow readers and followers to give you all the chance of entering! I mean fitness is about helping others and not just yourself. 

To enter for a chance to win head over to and apply away!!! Best of luck!!!! Also check out their Instagram: @1stPhorm

5. Last but not least!!!

I drove down to my home town this weekend to visit my wonderful parents and my younger sister!!! I love them dearly and I had missed them soooo much!!! My dog Pup was cop-pilot and we arrived safely!! :) expect pictures with of me and my parents soon!!!!

Well that's all for today's High Five Friday!!! :)

Ilsay, x

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday!

Sorry I have not been posting lately! I've had my championships match for my HEB volleyball team! :)
We won today and on Tuesday! I've been getting a looot of cardio in by playing...and my shirts are always covered in sweat! Also, my shoelaces are pink!! Thanks to Sweat Pink! :)

We played a total of 2 games today, and we beat each team pretty badly. We felt bad at the end. LOL, on Tuesday the same thing happened. Well, at least we all had fun! :) Here's some pictures!

Me getting a kill! ;)

My beautiful boyfriend and I. <3

My Team! (L-R) Valerie, Myself, Savon, Analy, Milton, April, Clair. Not pictures, Daniel.

Thought Time!

Thought #1!
I'm thinking about incorporating video blogs within my writing and making workout videos and what not! What do you guy's think? 

Thought #2!
I'm inclining on becoming a ISSA certified personal trainer. That way I can develop programs, work with my readers, and actually give you real information on how to loose weight! I'm debating on this!!

Thought #3!
I am proud to announce that I am now a Swirl Gear Ambassador! So keep an eye out for specials on their gear! :)

That's all I can think off right now! I'm exhausted from tonight's game! Talk to you all tomorrow!

Ilsay x

Monday, May 26, 2014

Move It Monday!

So it's Monday, again! And today I'm brining you guys a simple strength training workout from 

Wether you are a newbie to workout, or super athletic, it never hurts to do a simple workout and help you get your heart rate up and moving!

Okay, now I'm going to help simply and use some images to explain how to preform each workout and what are the benefits of it. (I haven't uploaded videos or pictures of me doing workouts because I've been super busy, but they will be coming soon!)

Squats With Shoulder Press:

These can be weighted, or if you're barely starting off unweighted, but you can start off with 5 lbs or more whichever you're comfortable with. 
A. You start with your feet  about shoulder width apart with your hands next to your side.
B. With your heels pressed in the floor, slowly squat down(Butt first!) and begin raising your hands up to your shoulders. 
C. Now from squat position, extend and push up bringing your hands up above your shoulders and press them up high!

Benefits of Shoulder Press: Over time, your balance and mobility will become more and more better as you learn to squat down and not wobble around. Your glutes and legs will be grateful once you have mastered this! ;)

Mountain Climbers:

Now be ready for something that is going to raise your heart rate tremendously, if the shoulder press hasn't. 
A. Start in plank position, feet together, and hands shoulder width apart. If needed for wrist you can add a towel or a small cushion underneath.
B. Now bring in your right knee towards your right elbow and back out. 
C. Repeat the process of C but with your left knee and to your left elbow.
Repeat the process at a quicker rate until the end of your rep!

Benefits of Mountain Climbers: Throughout the process of doing mountain climbers, your body and muscles are hard at work contracting, balancing, and and moving. It strengthens your arm muscles and your abdominal.

Walking Lunges

Back to a slower heart rate and more for balancing.

A. You start like how the girl in the middle is pictured. Weights are your side and standing tall.
B. Now step forward with your right foot, and bring your left knee down towards the floor. Try your hardest not to let your knee rest on the floor.
C. Now bring your left foot up and next to your right foot and be in standing position.
D. Repeat step B but with your right knee.

Benefits of Walking Lunges: These help strengthen your legs and your hips! No weak hips around here!


Now we are going to bring that heart rate back up!! These are a challenge, but I LOVE THEM!

A. Okay you're going to start standing up then slowly crouch down towards the floor, mind your back so you won't hurt yourself.
B. As you're lowering yourself down towards the floor, bring your feet outward as if going into a plank. 
C. optional: You can add in a push up for an extra workout.
D. Now from plank position lift yourself up and from your feet jump up as an explosion.
E. Repeat, and repeat until your reps are over.  Take Breaks in between if it is too much for you.

Benefits of burpees: They help you build endurance and aren't just only for your legs. The combination of plank and a squat jump help your body all around and build muscle.


No we're not talking about the flying, kryptonite fearing superhero.
It's an exercise that stretches out your abdominal muscles!

These are a variation of different supermans. Not much to it! You can lift your legs and let your hands rest as shown in A. Or viceversa as shown in B. In C you can modify and exchange between moving opposite limbs to incorporate your arms and legs as well. 


The easy plank! Just remember to breathe!!

Lay down on your mat, or floor, and use your feet along with your elbows to lift your body weight up. Align your back and your butt to make sure you are straight, and not peaking. Now remember to breathe and wait until you're time is over!


You've reached the end of your Move It Monday workout and you should be extremely proud of yourself!!! Not so hard wasn't it? :) Until next time!!

High 5 Friday!

We have reached the end of this week! Scary thing is, next week is the end of the month. ALREADY?! Time is going by toooo quick. 

Today is my first High 5 Friday, where I will talk about 5 products, places, things to do, recipes, or anything that are awesome. Hope you enjoy it!

High 5 Friday!

1. Alkaline Water

How many of you have heard about Alkaline water? This kind of water has a pH that is basic and can be able to help bring your body's acidity down. There has been studies going on, but further is needed however, that have said that since the pH is higher there may be many benefits from consuming alkaline water. "...Proponents say that it can neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your metabolism, and help your body absorb nutrients more easily." (source

The alkaline water I consume on a daily basis is known as Essentia. The thing I really enjoyed about purchasing and consuming this water is that I can trust their process. It is a 3 step process that includes purification and reverse osmosis (yay for no fluoride!), adds electrolytes, and ionizes the water making it from acidic to alkaline! Try it out for yourself and share your experience!

2. Hemp Oil

I recently purchased hemp oil to add into my smoothies and I was let down! It contains 75% to 80% of polyunsaturated fats (the good fats) and has a perfectly balanced ratio of 3:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3. Hemp oil DOES NOT make you high. It is a really simple and easy to use oil that can be incorporated in your daily life.

3. March Against Monsanto

Monsanto, the evil empire who wants to has taken control of most of our food consumption. As many of you know, we choose to purchase Organic and Non- GMO (non genetically modified organism) foods. Genetically modified foods are a result of Monsanto's "efficient way" to produce more food at a lower cost. However it is not as helpful as it seems. I will talk more about Monsanto and GMO's later on.

Have No FEAR! Together as parents, coworkers, neighbors, and the general public have the chance to have our voice heard Saturday, May 24, worldwide. Protestors will unite and walk down streets holding signs, chanting for those who have no idea what lurks in the food industry. Join the cause now!!!!

4. Steal of the Week

Yesterday I got lucky and bought some rubbermaid containers at HALF OFF! I bought a set of 30 pieces, 15 containers with lids, for $6.98!! That is a steal! The awesome thing about them is they are a pretty teal color and the lids snap to underneath the container so you won't lose them. Get rid of that clutter!!!

5. My 5k Training

I am starting my 5k Training for the 5k Foam Fest in September! I am so excited and lucky to have a chance and participate for Sweat Pink and blog about the experience! More updates coming soon!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Liebster Award! 5/23/2014

Thanks to two wonderfull Sweat Pink Ambassadors who nominated me for this award!
Debbie Woodruff, from Live From La Quinta
Gabi Walker from Gabrielle K Walker

What is Liebster Award you say?

The Liebster Award is awarded to new and upcoming blogs by other bloggers. It is to help the nominated bloggers be introduced to other readers and gain an audience. By receiving this award, the blog receiving it must pay it forward and introduce 10 new blogs as well.

I was nominated to answer 10 questions, and pass it on to 10 other blogs.... Here We Go!

1. What is the job that you do in your “real” life?
My job in "real" life is being a cake decorator at the grocery store, HEB. I was previously a cashier, which was fun and very sociable, but I was transferred departments and now I decorate cakes! :) However, I am thinking about switching to another department again, it's called Healthy Living, and you work with customers who want to improve their health and lifestyle.
2. Who was your inspiration when you started blogging?
I never really found a blog who truly inspired me to begin blogging. I kinda picked it up on myself and found it as a way to talk about the stuff I have done, and I use daily.
3. What is your favorite movie?
Favorite movie...this is a tough one! Currently I would have to say Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2! It's really punny and I love how they incorporate all the fruits and vegetables! Plus they portray the hamburger as a monster :b But I think my next week it will be Fed Up.
4. Do you have any pets? What kind, how many, and what are their names?
I have 1 pet, a pomeranian by the name of Pup! He's my furbaby and I love him to death, well when he isn't tormenting me! Haha, I received him on my birthday last year and we have become inseperable since. He takes up most of the bed.

5. If you had a chance to meet a celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?
JOE JONAS! Although I kind of meet him already :b He's my favorite singer :D

6. What is your favorite post that you’ve written (post the link)?

So far, no favorite post...but I will keep you updated!
7. What is one of your talents?

I think one of my talents is I am really artsty and crafty! I know how to sew, draw, color, and pretty much anything craft related.
8. If you had a chance to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I want to go to somewhere where the beach is beautiful! My boyfriend wants us to go to Thailand because they have beautiful beaches so maybe one day!
9. What is your favorite memory of your best friend?

When we still lived in the same hometown, my best friend and I were inseparable. We would be at each other's houses every day doing projects, out riding 4 wheelers, geocaching, and doing anything that we thought was fun. We drifted apart slowly, but it's always something that makes me smile.

10.  And finally…what song would you choose for your theme song?

[[ Updated Saturday May 24, 2014 ]]

Here are my Nominees! :)

  1. Brandi Jeffries @noteworthyrunning
  2. Jennifer Rohde
  3. Maggie Lumpcik @runmomrunhappy
  4. Jaima Botterbush @getfitwithjaima
  5. Jenn Vasquez Koscelnik @epicascentfitness

Nominees, here are my questions:

  1. Who is your number one inspiration?
  2. What is your favorite workout to do?
  3. When did you start blogging?
  4. Where is your favorite place to go run?
  5. Why are you so awesome?
  6. What is your favorite meal to make? If it is a post you have made on your blog, link it!
  7. What is your favorite quote?
  8. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
  9. What is your real life job?
  10. Will you continue your active lifestyle even as you get older?