
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Overnight Oats! Do I hear someone saying YUM?

Mornings are always when we are in a rush to get ready for work, drop off the kiddos at school, running around making sure all the lights are off. Now it's hard to make a meal that is both satisfying and efficient! That's when I come into the rescue! ;)

The simplicity of overnight oats is you make them right before going to bed! Doesn't take more than 5 minutes, which means you just grab and go in the morning.

The Run Down:

Get yourself some quick rolled oats or even steel cut oats. Toss them into a small container such as a convenient to-go mug, tupperware container, or even a regular mug! Now you have your choice of liquid you want to use, I personally prefer hemp milk, but you can use almond, rice, soy, or whatever floats your boat!

Add Ins!

Here's the fun part! You get to customize this quick meal by adding in your favorite super foods, natural sweetner, and fruits!


  • Chia Seeds
  • Flax Seed
  • Frozen/Fresh Berries
  • Organic Brown Sugar
  • Organic Honey
  • and the list goes on!


Well that about sums it up....
Trust me, it would happen to me sometimes :(

Hope you enjoy it! 
Leave some recipes or your turnout in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. I've never made overnight oats. I'm not sure when I'm most time challenged, in the evening before bed or in the morning before work. You make it sound simple though.

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